Andy had a soft spot for Mozartkugeln, those marzipan chocolates from Austria. It was a little tradition that I would bring some back for him from each German Exchange visit.
Fully committed to the exchanges, Andy would be adamant they took place and the long-standing school link kept going, even one year with just a handful of students signed up. Andy believed in the value of the unique experience of a school visit, a study trip, an activity day, a foreign exchange; he wanted students to have the opportunity to learn beyond the classroom, to experiment, to build their confidence and to make life-long memories.
Whilst many schools gave up on exchanges, and even on Modern Foreign Languages, Andy stood firm and promoted languages; his passion for equality of opportunity and holistic education shone through. Always chuffed when he could show off one of his (few) German phrases, Andy practised what he preached.
I'll always keep a few Mozartkugeln for you, Andy.
Vielen Dank, mein lieber Freund.
Auf Wiedersehen.
Lesley Giles