Going the Extra Mile - Always

Created by Andrea 2 years ago

The first time I met Andy was during my interview to join Denbigh.  His enthusiasm and love for Denbigh School was both obvious and infectious and made me want to be part of the Denbigh family.  I have never regretted that decision and enjoyed my years of working for and alongside Andy.  His commitment to all the staff and students was unparalleled and he has inspired generations of students to be the best they can be and staff to go the extra mile for their students.  He has also encouraged all staff, including me, to develop and progress and share his love for everything to do with education. 

His memory for students and their families was incredible and very useful more times than I can count.  This ability to remember everyone shows how important each and every student was to Andy.  We would have many conversations about past students and their successes, and he brought many of them back to talk to current students, to encourage them to think more ambitiously about what was possible for them.

Working with Andy was a real pleasure. His intelligence and eye for detail and determination to get what he wanted for the benefit of Denbigh was legendary and not always easy for those on the receiving end of his demands.  Never afraid to ask, and keep asking, the awkward questions, his was a voice that was known and respected across Milton Keynes.  I feel very privileged to have been able to work with him on a number of projects over the years.

I will miss Andy every day for his friendship, his experience and advice and his commitment to education.  My life is richer for having known him.  RIP Andy, you will be remembered always.