Lesley 21st January 2022

I was honoured to have Andy as my Assistant Head, Headteacher and Biology teacher through my years at Denbigh, and also as a colleague when he hired me to return as a TA. Hearing of Andy's passing upset me deeply. I can honestly say that he had a significant influence on my education, career and the leader I am today. Andy was the blueprint. There was no other teacher who would put as much charisma, effort and care into his work. He had an endless passion for STEM, his students and his school. Every time we would speak he would ask, 'ready to get back into teaching yet?' with that sarcastic, crooked smile we all loved. He saw something special in me and was forever encouraging. Andy, I hope you left us at peace knowing you have touched thousands of lives through your 20 years at Denbigh. I will forever hold you in my fondest of memories. We can only hope to leave a fraction of the legacy you have left us with. My dearest thoughts and prayers go out your loved ones. Thank you, Mr Squires.